Saturday, September 5, 2009

Training Log 8/22/09-8/28/09

Deload week this week. Only thing that changed was that my deloading schedule shifted a day over because I maxed out on my incline bench last week.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
145: 2x5
165: 1x5

B1) Natural Glute-ham Raise
BW: 3x6

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
BW: 3x8

C2) Side Plank
3 sets of 30 seconds per side


A1) BB Military Press
65: 5
85: 5
100: 5

B1) DB Bent Over Row
75s: 3x10

B2) DB Standing Neutral Grip Press
35x2: 3x10

C1) Tricep Pushdown
72.5: 3x10

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x12


A1) Front Squat
70: 5
90: 5
105: 5

And that's about it for this day, just did a lot of body weight squats, dynamic joint mobility, and stretching.


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
110: 5
135: 5
165: 5

B1) Dips
BW: 4x10

B2) Pull-Ups
BW: 4x7

C1) Scapular Retractions (on seated row)
50: 4x21

C2) Shoulder Flexed External Rotations - 2/0/2/0
5: 3x10, 1x8

That is it for this week. Other than that, I did a lot of dynamic joint mobility and walking to help recover this week.

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