Thursday, August 13, 2009

Training Log 7/3/09-7/9/09

Since I just wrote about goals yesterday I think it would be fitting to outline my own goals for the gym and explain a bit of the rationale behind the process.

I have 2 major goals for my next 6 months of training. Firstly, I would like to perform a standing military press overhead with 225 lbs. I would like to do this for 3 reasons:
  1. I could use a break from the bench press.
  2. I think my physique would benefit from the widening of the shoulders.
  3. The standing military press just looks cool!
Secondly, I would like to work back into heavier squatting and deadlifting. Last year I had an unfortunate accident (not gym related) which left me with some pretty bad back pain. I've managed to rehabilitate it over the past 6 months, largely thanks to z-health in addition to rest and traditional modalities. Today, while my pain is virtually non-existent, some of the musculature of my posterior chain has atrophied over the past half a year, particularly the pars lumborum area of my erector spinae (in other words the lower part of my low back muscles) simply due to lack of stimulation while resting over the past few months (side goal related to reclaiming my posterior chain: I want to be able to do a natural glute ham raise without a push-up at the bottom. If you haven't heard of that exercise, I included a video below in training log). Even though I have deadlifted over 400 lbs before, I've decided it would be wise to start low and build up slowly, in order to rebuild connective tissue, re-groove motor patterns, and just develop all around confidence.

The basis of my training is currently Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. The percentages and philosophy are great for what I am currently working for - raw strength and steady progress. Additionally, z-health makes up the bulk of my warm-up, mobility, and injury prevention plan. I also throw in some traditional modality work, like dynamic and static stretching, and preventive strength exercise to aid in the recovery and injury prevention process. With that said, here is my past week of training with a bit more of background info:

Bodyweight: 178 lbs

Personal Records (PRs):
BB Bench Press - 355 - 3/13/09
Deadlift - 415 - Spring 2008
Back Squat - 385 - Spring 2008
BB Standing Military Press - No PR on record, estimated at 175 lbs at 6/6/09

* A side note on notation: A, B, C = groups of the same letter are done in alternating fashion 1 set at a time until all sets have been completed. Sets are always listed as weight x reps.

As far as chosen lifts go, I have chosen to opt for an incline press over a flat bench press because it has more carryover to the standing BB military press. I have chosen to use the trap bar deadlift and the front squat over a normal deadlift and back squat because the former lifts result in much less compressive force on the spine then the latter. With that said, on to the training log!


A1):Incline BB (barbell) Bench Press:
175: 5
205: 5
230: 12 (max reps) - last month's total = 225x6 (the movement had not been used in awhile)

B1) Weighted Dips
50: 5x10

B2) Weighted Pull-ups
15: 5x5

C1) External Rotation - 3/0/3/0 tempo - (3 second eccentric and concentric movements)
5(cables): 2 sets of 10 with arm against body, 2 sets of 10 with 30ยบ of abduction.


A1): Trap Bar Deadlift
155: 5
175: 5
200: 20 (not quite max, but was not easy! Stopped once confidence decreased.)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise (push-up at the bottom)
BW(body-weight): 4 sets of 8

If you've never seen one of these before, I've included a video of a guy doing them:

C1) Back Extensions - 2/0/2/0
BW: 1x15, 2x10


A1) BB Standing Military Press
105: 5
120: 5
135: 13 (max reps) - PR (personal record) over last month's 130 lbs x10
B1) Bent over DB (dumbbell) Row
80s: 3x13
65s: 1x29

B2) Standing DB Neutral Grip Press
35x2: 3x14
30x2: 1x24

C1) Tricep Pushdown
72.5 (cables) : 3x15

C2) Face Pulls
50 (cables): 3x12


A1) Front Squat
125: 5
140: 5
150: 10 (not close to max, but taking it slow for these first few months)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 3x8

B2) Side Plank
3 sets x 20 secs/side

C1) Back Extension - 2/0/2/0
BW: 3x15

Wow, that was a long post. Next week, since I won't have such a long intro, I'll go into more detail about how I incorporate mobility, injury prevention, and recovery modalities into my routine.

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