Thursday, August 13, 2009

Training Log 7/31/09-8/6/09

With three personal records set this week, it was another good week of training. The only day I did not set a true PR was my incline bench press day. I am not too worried about it though since it was my first workout after my deload and my military press and leg lifts all improved, which are my primary focus at the moment as it is.


A1) BB Incline Bench Press
180: 5
205: 5
235: 10 (last month I did 230x12, just was not feeling right today)

B1) Weighted Pull-ups
15: 2x6, Unweighted: 2x6, 1x7 (I dropped the weight on pull-ups in order to get a bit more volume in and iron out some form issues)

B2) Weighted Dips
50: 4x13

C1) External Rotations - 3/0/3/0 tempo
arm abducted 30 degrees: 2x12, 2x10

C2) Scapular Retractions
42.5: 4x23

Cooled down with some stretching and z-health drills.

A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
170: 5
200: 5
225: 30 (200x20 last month)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 4x8 - I managed to do one without a push-up today but the form was not quite perfect. It is getting there though!

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1 tempo
BW: 4x15

C2) Side Plank (on arm)
4x25 second per side

Cooled down with some static stretching and z-health.

A1) BB Standing Military Press
105: 5
125: 5
140: 14 (135x13 last month)

B1) Bent Over DB Row
85s: 3x10 70s: 1x23

B2) DB Standing Neutral Grip Press
40x2: 3x11 35x2: 20

72.5: 3x18

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x15

Cooled down with some stretching and z-health, as usual. This workout in particular has a bit too much volume for me, the past 2 workouts I've noticed that this one in particular left me feeling really run down at the end. I will try to drop the high rep set on the standing DB press to see if that helps.

A1) Front Squat
115: 5
130: 5
150: 20 (155x10 last month)

B1) Glute-Ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extensions - 4/0/2/1 tempo
BW: 4x16

C2) Plank, opposite arm and leg elevated:
4x15 seconds per side

D1) DB Curl, alternating
30s: 1x14

Was pretty happy with this workout. I was able to push myself on the front squat somewhat hard today for the first time in a long while. I added in a set of curls at the end of this workout, since I have been neglecting the biceps a bit since my main goal is overhead pressing strength. Over the next few weeks I will up the volume slowly until I am doing 4 sets at the end of this workout for biceps.

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