Saturday, September 5, 2009

Training Log 8/29/09-9/4/09

Beginning of a new 4-week training cycle. I added in some curls this week and moved the weights around a bit. I bumped up the deadlift by 30 pounds, squat by 20, military press by 10, and bench press by 5. I also switched out quite a bit of my assistance movements.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
195: 5
225: 5
255: 30 (225x30 last month)

B1) Rack Pull
135: 1x10
185: 1x10
205: 2x10

C1) Step-Ups
20x2: 3x10

C2) Hanging Leg Raise (knees bent)

This week I started to work in some more traditional assistance work. All of it is a bit light for now, but I'm still getting back into the swing of things. It all felt good though and was very easy, so it doesn't seem like I've lost much (if any) strength in the lower body department.


A1) BB Standing Military Press
115: 5
130: 5
150: 15 (140x14 last month)

B1) Bent Over DB Row
85s: 3x13 70s: 1x26

B2) Standing DB Neutral Grip Press
40x2: 4x14

C1) BB Curl
65: 3x10

C2) Tricep Pushdown
80: 3x14

D1) Face Pulls
50: 15, 10, 7 (was pretty burnt out by this point)

Great workout today. It was nice to hit 15 reps on the military press even though I went up 10 pounds this week.


A1) Front Squat
125: 5
145: 5
165: 15 (150x20 last month)

Actually went close to failure on the Front Squat for once. I hit a lot more depth this week then I have previously, which is why the numbers did not change much.

B1) Bulgarian Squat
20x2: 3x10

C1) Side Plank
5 lbs: 4 sets of holding a 5 lb weight 20 seconds per side

C2) Calf Raise - Left Leg, Foot Externally Rotated - 2/2/1/2
BW: 4x10

Also started adding some more traditional assistance work in this week. I took it a lot easier today because I was still sore from Sunday! As far as the calf raise goes, for whatever reason, the medial head of my left gastroc is way less developed (both size and strength) than it is on the right leg. While I'm training strength rather than aesthetics, there's no harm in fixing imbalances.


A1) BB Incline Press
180: 5
210: 5
240: 13 (235 x 10 last month)

B1) Pull-Ups
BW: 5x6, 2x5, 1x4, 1x6, 1x5

B2) Close-grip Bench Press (about 16"-18" grip)
145: 1x10
165: 1x10
185: 1x10
195: 2x10

C1) Scapular Retractions (on seated row)
50: 4x22

C2) Preacher DB Curl
30s: 4x10

D1) Shoulder Flexed External Rotations - 2/0/2/0
5: 4x10

Took it easy on the flat close-grip bench since the movement was new. Was really shocked to put up 240 for 13 reps on the BB Incline Press, that is a huge PR for me.

Great training week all in all. I hit 2 big PRs on both upper body lifts and I was able to add some bigger movement as assistance work on my lower body lifts. I'll be looking to hit some all-time PRs on some lower body stuff within the next few months!

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