Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trianing Log 7/10/09-7/16/09

Had a pretty productive week this week, here are the results:


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
190: 3
215: 3
245: 8 - max reps (last month was 235x7)

B1) Pull-ups
15: 3x6, 2x5

B2) Dips
50: 5x11

C1) Scapular Retractions
35 (cables): 3x25

C2) External Rotations - 3/0/3/0
1: 15/15

Finished up with a few z-health drills, nerve glides, and about 10 shoulder dislocations.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
165: 3
190: 3
210: 25 - getting pretty close to max reps, at least for my forearms!

B1) Natural Glute Ham Raise w/ pushup
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 3/0/2/0

C2) Plank - Opposite Arm & Leg Up
3 sets x 15 seconds per side

Followed by 2 sets of 30 seconds of static stretching for the hamstrings (lying down and using a band) and 2 sets of 30 seconds of stretching for the rectus femoris.

Also did a set of 50 shoulder dislocations as described by Dante in a post that can be found here. Here is a video of this exercise if you have not seen it before. While the film is not the best quality, the person in it has an English accent, which makes up for it. Additionally, the shoulder dislocations as described by Dante are to be done a bit slower. This results in increased blood flow to the muscle groups around the shoulder capsule, which makes the exercise quite a bit harder, in addition to increasing its effectiveness.


A1) BB Standing Military Press
110: 3
130: 3
145: 12 - max reps (140x9 last month). Great arousal on this set, everything went perfect.

B1) Bent Over DB Row
80s: 3x14
65s: 1x30

B2) DB Standing Neutral Grip Press
35x2: 3x15
30x2: 1x19

C1) Cable Triceps Push-down
72.5: 3x16

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x13

Followed up with some z health and some brief static stretching for the triceps.


I warm up with 10-15 minutes of Z-health on squat day in addition to a few dynamic stretching moves and then warming up with the bar and lighter weight. My hips tend to be pretty stiff and the warm-up helps out my form quite a bit.

A1) Front Squat
135: 3
150: 15 (not max reps, but my form felt pretty solid today and my depth was acceptable, so that was an improvement over last month)

B1) Natural Glute Ham Raise w/ push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
BW: 15, 10, 10

C2) Side Plank - on Hand
4x22 seconds per side


2 sets of 30 seconds of hamstring and rectus femoris static stretching
2 sets of 10 of a kneeling squat mobilization
1 set of 50 of shoulder dislocations
A select few z-health drills and nerve glides

All in all, it was a pretty good week in training. I was really pleased with my performance on the military press, if all goes well, Christmas just might come early with that 225!

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