Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Training Log 9/19/09-9/28/09

Extra long deload week (5 workouts) again - moving my schedule a bit to match with my workout partner's schedule. Nothing too exciting, just a lot of mobility work and light weights. Last week was my first week using challenging weights for legs in awhile, so I want to make sure I give myself plenty of time to recover.


I did an inconsequential arms workout by feel. Did not write it down - just worked up to a heavy weight for a few exercises. Did a lot of recovery work, z-health, stretching, and EQIs.


Covered both Military Press and Front Squat in this deload workout.

A1) Front Squat
80: 5
95: 5
115: 5

B1) Bent Over DB Row
70: 3x10

B2) DB Neutral Grip Standing Press
35x2: 3x10

C1) Bulgarian Squat
BW: 3x10

D1) Face Pulls
50: 3x10

Finished with some EQIs, stretching, and dynamic joint mobility.


A1) BB Incline Press
115: 5
140: 5
170: 5

B1) Flat BB Bench Press
135: 3x10

C1) Pull-Ups
BW: 4x5


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
155: 2x5
180: 1x5

..and that was about it for the weights. I spent about 45 minutes between two long bulgarian squat EQIs, a push-up eqi, plenty of z-health, and some PNF stretching.

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