Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Training Log 9/29/09-10/5/09

After a long deload, back to work!

A1) BB Standing Military Press
115: 5
135: 5
155: 14 (150x15 last month)

B1) Bent Over DB Row

Changed the structure on this.. instead of doing sets of 10 I worked up to a 5 RM then followed it up shortly with the set of kroc rows.

60: 1x5
70: 1x5
80: 1x5
85: 1x5
90: 1x5
95: 1x5
100: 1x5
105: 1x5 (rep max, grip was not strong enough)
75: 1x26

I think this will work pretty well. I usually range from fine to very tired during this workout, and this structure will give me more flexibility to take it easy or push it hard on days I'm feeling not to great or days I am feeling "on". I'd rate my feeling this day average and I put on a couple extra reps on my set of kroc rows and handled more weight on the bent over row (last time used 90s for a few sets of 10) than I have before.

C1) DB Neutral Grip Press:
45x2: 4x12

D1) Face Pull
50: 3x16

D2) Cable Tricep Pushdown
87.5: 3x11


A1) Front Squat
145: 5
165: 5
185: 15 (165x15 last month)

B1) Bulgarian Squat
35x2: 4X8

C1) Standing Ab Pulldown w/ rope
70: 3x15

C2) 1-leg Leg Press
90: 1x10, 2x8

Added in the 1 leg leg press to try to build some strength in the bottom position of my squat. I am not a fan of heavy leg presses due to the way they load the spine, but as my hip mobility increases, I need some extra work to build strength and neural comfort at the end ranges of motion without completely trashing my legs. I was still sore for a week after this workout.


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
185: 5
215: 5
245: 12 (240x13 last month)

B1) Flat BB Bench Press
185: 8
205: 8
225: 8
245: 8

I am switching my incline press out for a flat bench press on next month's training cycle, so I am starting to warm up to the movement again here.

B2) Twitch Pull-Ups (top and mid-way)
BW: 5x5 in both positions

B3) Pull-Up (full ROM)
BW: 5x6

C1) DB Preacher Curls
35: 1x5
40s: 1x5
45s: 1x3, 1x5

D1) Scapular Retractions
60: 4x20

D2) External Rotation
10: 2x12, 1x10


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
215: 5
245: 5
280: 27 (255x30 last month)

B1) Rack Pull on setting "3" (lowest) and standing on 1" of padding (pulling 3-4" from the ground
135: 6
175: 8
215: 8
245: 8
255: 6 (grip getting tired, double overhand)

C1) Step-Ups
30x2: 4x9

C2) Standing Ab Pulldown w/ rope
70: 4x15

And that's it for this training week. The leg workouts were great but the progress for my upper body movements are starting to slow a little bit. I did not get as many calories in as I would have liked to over the past few weeks (I rotated oatmeal out of my diet for those 2 weeks and I get a lot of calories from it normally).  I also think I need to bump my calorie intake overall. Since I've started this log I've put on about 25 lbs (went from 170-195), so it is most likely time to bump it up another 250 calories/day to keep the weight(s) (har har) moving up.

Training Log 9/19/09-9/28/09

Extra long deload week (5 workouts) again - moving my schedule a bit to match with my workout partner's schedule. Nothing too exciting, just a lot of mobility work and light weights. Last week was my first week using challenging weights for legs in awhile, so I want to make sure I give myself plenty of time to recover.


I did an inconsequential arms workout by feel. Did not write it down - just worked up to a heavy weight for a few exercises. Did a lot of recovery work, z-health, stretching, and EQIs.


Covered both Military Press and Front Squat in this deload workout.

A1) Front Squat
80: 5
95: 5
115: 5

B1) Bent Over DB Row
70: 3x10

B2) DB Neutral Grip Standing Press
35x2: 3x10

C1) Bulgarian Squat
BW: 3x10

D1) Face Pulls
50: 3x10

Finished with some EQIs, stretching, and dynamic joint mobility.


A1) BB Incline Press
115: 5
140: 5
170: 5

B1) Flat BB Bench Press
135: 3x10

C1) Pull-Ups
BW: 4x5


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
155: 2x5
180: 1x5

..and that was about it for the weights. I spent about 45 minutes between two long bulgarian squat EQIs, a push-up eqi, plenty of z-health, and some PNF stretching.

Training Log 9/12/09-9/18/09

I have not posted in awhile, but I have been keeping my log:


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
225: 5
255: 3
285: 22 (250x27 last month)

B1) Rack Pull - setting "4", standing on 2" of mats (to make the pin lower without lowering the rack setting

165: 1x10
205: 1x10
235: 2x8

C1) Step-Ups
25x2: 4x9

C2) Hanging Leg Raise
BW: 4x17


A1) Standing BB Military Press
165: 10 (155x10 last month)

B1) DB Bent-over Row
90s: 4x10

B2) DB Neutral Grip Standing Press
45x2: 4x11

C1) Face Pulls
50: 3x16

C2) Cable Tricep Pushdown
87.5: 3x10

C3) BB Curl
65: 3x12

D1) Cable External Rotation, arm flexed 80 degrees
10: 3x8


A1) Front Squat

145: 5
165: 5
185: 14 (165x18 last month)

B1) Bulgarian Squat
30x2: 3x10

C1) Standing Ab Pulldown w/ rope
57.5: 4x10


A1) BB Incline Bench Press
215: 5
240: 3
270: 7 (260x7 last month) - I only meant to do 265 here, miscalculated.. but a good set nontheless

B1) Close-grip BB Bench Press
195: 10
205: 10
210: 2x10, 1x8

B2) Twitch (near top and midway) Pull-Ups
BW: 5 reps each x 5 sets

B3) Pull-Ups, full ROM
BW: 5x5

C1) Twitch Preacher Curls
35: 2x5
40s: 2x4

C2) DB Preacher Curl
35s: 2x8
40s: 2x6

D1) Scapular Retractions
50: 4x25

D2) External Rotation, arm flexed to 80 degrees
10: 4x10

Not too much to say. Pretty solid training week all around, hit PRs on pretty much everything.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Training Log 9/5/09 - 9/11/09

Hit some big PRs this week again. At this rate, I'll be testing out 225 on the overhead military press in October rather than December!


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
210: 3
240: 3
270: 25 (240x25 last month)

B1) Rack Pull - "4" setting on the squat rack, standing on 1" platform
145: 10
195: 10
215: 10
225: 10

C1) Step-Ups
20x2: 3x12

C2) Hanging Leg Raise
BW: 3x16

For progression on the rack pull, I wanted to lower the bar closer to the ground, but the rack was already on its lowest setting, so I stood on a 1" platform. Since the bar is resting on a rack, this is just like lowering the pins an inch. Next week, I'll stack 2 1" rubber platforms.


A1) BB Military Press
160: 13 (Last month 150x13)

B1) Bent Over DB Row
85s: 3x14 70s: 1x30

B2) Standing DB Neutral Grip Press
45x2: 4x10

C1) Cable Tricep Pushdown
80: 3x15

C2) Barbell Curl
65: 3x11

D1) Face Pulls
50: 15, 14, 10

10 lb PR over last month for the same amount of reps was huge in my book, especially since this is my first time working with 160 lbs on this exercise.


A1) Front Squat
135: 3
155: 3
175: 15 (last month 155x22)

B1) DB Bulgarian Squat
25x2: 4x10

C1) Left Leg Externally Rotated Calf Raise - 2/2/X/2
BW; 4x11

C2) Side Plank
5 lbs: 4x25 seconds per side

Working at a lot more depth this month than last month. Still, I definitely see a 15% weight increase and only dropping to 15 reps as definite progress.


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
195: 3
225: 3
250: 11 (245x10 last month)

Let me preface this next part by saying I was trying out some of the things Christian Thibaudeau was experimenting with in this video. From what I understand, some of the dropping and catching the weights acts to increase neural recruitment during the subsequent exercise, and the twitch reps can help increase neural activation and improve the mind-muscle connection. For me, two areas I have had trouble activating in the past are my "outer" lats and my left bicep, so for the Pull-Ups, I did two sets of 5 "catches" - that is starting at the top of the Pull-up, letting the muscles completely relax, free-falling about halfway down the movement, and then trying to catch myself, much like a typical jumping oriented plyometric drill. I then proceeded to superset twitch reps and normal full ROM pull-ups.

I will follow through with this protocol over the next 6 weeks. I won't use it during my deload periods, so I will get in 5 total training sessions. Since I was doing Pull-Ups regularly prior to this point, I will retest my strength on those movements after this period to see how it has improved.

B1) Pull-Ups
BW: 3 twitch top / 5 twitch bottom for 5 sets, alternated every other set for normal Pull-Ups, which I hit 3 sets of 5 and 2 sets of 4.

I supersetted this with the close-grip bench press - I did one twitch set, rested 30-45 seconds, then did one full pull-up set, then did a set of close-grip bench press. This gave me about 2 minutes between each paired set of pull-ups to rest.

B2) Close Grip Bench Press - 3 second pause at sticking point on last rep

165: 1x10
185: 1x10
205: 3x10

On this exercise, on my last rep of each set, I paused about 1" off my chest and held the bar steady for about 3 seconds before finishing the rep. My max effort bench press fails just off the chest, so this isometric should help a bit with the sticking point.

Before my curls, I did the same pattern as with the pull-ups. I did 2 sets of 5 drop and catch curls with 50 pounds, taking about 45 seconds between each set. I then supersetted preacher DB twitch curls, hitting reps at the top and bottom, with full preacher db curls.

C1) Drop Curls
50 lbs: 2x5

D1) Twitch DB Preacher  Curls
30 lbs: 2 sets of 5 reps at the top and bottom
35 lbs: 2 sets of 4 reps at the top and bottom

D2) DB Preacher Curls
30 lbs: 1x8, 1x7
35 lbs: 1x6, 1x6

And that is it for the week.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Training Log 8/29/09-9/4/09

Beginning of a new 4-week training cycle. I added in some curls this week and moved the weights around a bit. I bumped up the deadlift by 30 pounds, squat by 20, military press by 10, and bench press by 5. I also switched out quite a bit of my assistance movements.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
195: 5
225: 5
255: 30 (225x30 last month)

B1) Rack Pull
135: 1x10
185: 1x10
205: 2x10

C1) Step-Ups
20x2: 3x10

C2) Hanging Leg Raise (knees bent)

This week I started to work in some more traditional assistance work. All of it is a bit light for now, but I'm still getting back into the swing of things. It all felt good though and was very easy, so it doesn't seem like I've lost much (if any) strength in the lower body department.


A1) BB Standing Military Press
115: 5
130: 5
150: 15 (140x14 last month)

B1) Bent Over DB Row
85s: 3x13 70s: 1x26

B2) Standing DB Neutral Grip Press
40x2: 4x14

C1) BB Curl
65: 3x10

C2) Tricep Pushdown
80: 3x14

D1) Face Pulls
50: 15, 10, 7 (was pretty burnt out by this point)

Great workout today. It was nice to hit 15 reps on the military press even though I went up 10 pounds this week.


A1) Front Squat
125: 5
145: 5
165: 15 (150x20 last month)

Actually went close to failure on the Front Squat for once. I hit a lot more depth this week then I have previously, which is why the numbers did not change much.

B1) Bulgarian Squat
20x2: 3x10

C1) Side Plank
5 lbs: 4 sets of holding a 5 lb weight 20 seconds per side

C2) Calf Raise - Left Leg, Foot Externally Rotated - 2/2/1/2
BW: 4x10

Also started adding some more traditional assistance work in this week. I took it a lot easier today because I was still sore from Sunday! As far as the calf raise goes, for whatever reason, the medial head of my left gastroc is way less developed (both size and strength) than it is on the right leg. While I'm training strength rather than aesthetics, there's no harm in fixing imbalances.


A1) BB Incline Press
180: 5
210: 5
240: 13 (235 x 10 last month)

B1) Pull-Ups
BW: 5x6, 2x5, 1x4, 1x6, 1x5

B2) Close-grip Bench Press (about 16"-18" grip)
145: 1x10
165: 1x10
185: 1x10
195: 2x10

C1) Scapular Retractions (on seated row)
50: 4x22

C2) Preacher DB Curl
30s: 4x10

D1) Shoulder Flexed External Rotations - 2/0/2/0
5: 4x10

Took it easy on the flat close-grip bench since the movement was new. Was really shocked to put up 240 for 13 reps on the BB Incline Press, that is a huge PR for me.

Great training week all in all. I hit 2 big PRs on both upper body lifts and I was able to add some bigger movement as assistance work on my lower body lifts. I'll be looking to hit some all-time PRs on some lower body stuff within the next few months!

Training Log 8/22/09-8/28/09

Deload week this week. Only thing that changed was that my deloading schedule shifted a day over because I maxed out on my incline bench last week.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
145: 2x5
165: 1x5

B1) Natural Glute-ham Raise
BW: 3x6

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
BW: 3x8

C2) Side Plank
3 sets of 30 seconds per side


A1) BB Military Press
65: 5
85: 5
100: 5

B1) DB Bent Over Row
75s: 3x10

B2) DB Standing Neutral Grip Press
35x2: 3x10

C1) Tricep Pushdown
72.5: 3x10

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x12


A1) Front Squat
70: 5
90: 5
105: 5

And that's about it for this day, just did a lot of body weight squats, dynamic joint mobility, and stretching.


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
110: 5
135: 5
165: 5

B1) Dips
BW: 4x10

B2) Pull-Ups
BW: 4x7

C1) Scapular Retractions (on seated row)
50: 4x21

C2) Shoulder Flexed External Rotations - 2/0/2/0
5: 3x10, 1x8

That is it for this week. Other than that, I did a lot of dynamic joint mobility and walking to help recover this week.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Training Log 8/14/09 - 8/21/09

Extra two days this week; moving my schedule over to match with my training partner's schedule.


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
205: 5
235: 3
260: 7 (last month 255x7)

B1) Dips
50: 5x15

B2) Pull-Ups
BW: 5x8

C1) External Rotation - 3/0/3/0
5: 4x15

C2) Scapular Retractions
42.5: 4x25


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
200: 5
225: 3
250: 27 (225x25 last month)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise with Push-Up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/2/0/1
10: 3x11

C2) Side Plank
BW: 3x30 seconds per side

Had to knock a set off the back extensions and planks because my erectors were cramping up.


A1) BB Standing Military Press
125: 5
140: 3
155: 12 (150x11 last month)

B1) Bent Over DB Row
85s: 3x11
70s: 1x25

B2) Standing DB Military Neutral Grip Press
40x2: 4x13

C1) Tricep Pushdown
80: 3x13

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x17


A1) Front Squat
130: 5
150: 3
165: 18 (155x15 last month)

B1) Glute-Ham Raise w/ Push-Up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
10: 3x12

C2) Plank - Arm & Leg Up
3x19 seconds per side

D1) DB Rotating Curl
35x2: 3x10


A1) BB Incline Press
45: 10
95: 10
135: 8
185: 5
225: 3
265: 1
295: 1
315: 1 (PR, old PR 295 from around April '09)
320: Miss

B1) Pull-Ups
BW: 10x5

B2) Dips
60: 5x10

C1) Scapular Retractions
50: 4x20

C2) External Rotations, Flexion - 2/0/2/0
5: 4x9

I will start deloading tomorrow and do so for one week. The extra workout is just because I am moving my training schedule to match my partner's. The incline press miss @ 320 was a little disappointing. 315 felt quite easy and I thought 320 was a sure-fire hit, but on the way down I tapped against the rack which sent the weight off-course and broke my concentration. Just goes to show how practice plays a role in lifting maximal loads. I have not done work at 1RM loads in the past 3 months and I forgot what it was like to hold that much weight! I won't be satisfied, but I can't complain about the 20 pound PR on the Incline.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Training Log 8/7/09-8/13/09

Here is my training log from this week:


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
195: 3
220: 3
245: 10 (max reps, last month 245x8)

B1) Weighted Dips
50 lbs: 5x14

B2) Pull-ups
Body Weight: 5x7

C1) Scapular Retractions
42.5: 4x24

C2) External Rotation
5: 3x15, 1x10

Ended with some stretching and dynamic joint mobility drills.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
185: 3
210: 3
240: 25 (210x25 last month)

B1) Natural Glute-ham Raise with push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1 Tempo
BW: 4x17

C2) Side Plank - on hand
BW: 4x28 seconds per side

Cooled down with stretching and dynamic joint mobility.

A1) Standing Barbell Military Press
115: 3
130: 3
150: 13 (max reps, last month was 145x12)

B1) Standing Neutral Grip Dumbbell Military Press
40x2: 4x12

B2) Bent-over DB Row
85s: 3x11
70s: 1x24

C1) Cable Tricep Pushdown
80: 3x12

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x16

As I mentioned last week, I was feeling pretty run down after this particular workout so I cut the volume of this workout by dropping a high repetition DB Military Press set. I also cut the reps of the tricep pushdown by 1/3 and bumped up the weight a little. On top of that, I went from 4 sets to 3 sets on both the tricep pushdown and face pull. I felt pretty good after this workout so I think that will work just fine.


A1) Front Squat
120: 3
140: 3
155: 22 (150x15 last month)

B1) Natural Glute-ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
10 lbs: 4x10

C2) Plank, opposite arm and leg up, hand walked out ~6 inches
4 sets of 17 seconds per side

D1) DB Rotating Curl
35x2: 2x10

Cooled down with stretching and dynamic joint mobility.


Great week all around, PR on every single day. It was nice to be able to push my legs pretty hard this week pain-free. It is tough resisting the temptation to add 30 or 50 lbs to the bar on my lower body lifts. However in the long run I think it will be best to progress slowly. My standing military press was good today too. Another step closer to that 225 goal!

Training Log 7/31/09-8/6/09

With three personal records set this week, it was another good week of training. The only day I did not set a true PR was my incline bench press day. I am not too worried about it though since it was my first workout after my deload and my military press and leg lifts all improved, which are my primary focus at the moment as it is.


A1) BB Incline Bench Press
180: 5
205: 5
235: 10 (last month I did 230x12, just was not feeling right today)

B1) Weighted Pull-ups
15: 2x6, Unweighted: 2x6, 1x7 (I dropped the weight on pull-ups in order to get a bit more volume in and iron out some form issues)

B2) Weighted Dips
50: 4x13

C1) External Rotations - 3/0/3/0 tempo
arm abducted 30 degrees: 2x12, 2x10

C2) Scapular Retractions
42.5: 4x23

Cooled down with some stretching and z-health drills.

A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
170: 5
200: 5
225: 30 (200x20 last month)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 4x8 - I managed to do one without a push-up today but the form was not quite perfect. It is getting there though!

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1 tempo
BW: 4x15

C2) Side Plank (on arm)
4x25 second per side

Cooled down with some static stretching and z-health.

A1) BB Standing Military Press
105: 5
125: 5
140: 14 (135x13 last month)

B1) Bent Over DB Row
85s: 3x10 70s: 1x23

B2) DB Standing Neutral Grip Press
40x2: 3x11 35x2: 20

72.5: 3x18

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x15

Cooled down with some stretching and z-health, as usual. This workout in particular has a bit too much volume for me, the past 2 workouts I've noticed that this one in particular left me feeling really run down at the end. I will try to drop the high rep set on the standing DB press to see if that helps.

A1) Front Squat
115: 5
130: 5
150: 20 (155x10 last month)

B1) Glute-Ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extensions - 4/0/2/1 tempo
BW: 4x16

C2) Plank, opposite arm and leg elevated:
4x15 seconds per side

D1) DB Curl, alternating
30s: 1x14

Was pretty happy with this workout. I was able to push myself on the front squat somewhat hard today for the first time in a long while. I added in a set of curls at the end of this workout, since I have been neglecting the biceps a bit since my main goal is overhead pressing strength. Over the next few weeks I will up the volume slowly until I am doing 4 sets at the end of this workout for biceps.

Training Log 7/24/09-7/30/09

This is my deload week. For those unfamiliar, it is a time to back off on the weights a bit and recover for the next round of training. I will write about that a bit more in my next post.


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
110: 5
135: 5
160: 5

B1) Dips
BW: 4x10

B2) Pull-ups
BW: 4x5

C1) External Rotations
3x10 - used a band since I was in Denver and it was all that I could find

C2) Scapular Retractions
3x25 - used a seated row at a weight that felt challenging; the weight is irrelevant since I will not be back to that gym anytime soon. The actual "weight" on a machine stack varies from machine to machine.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
105: 5
120: 5
140: 5

Following my light trap bar deadlift work, I did about 30 minutes of z-health drills followed by around 100 or so body-weight squats with an emphasis on form and grooving the motor pattern.


A1) BB Military Press
65: 5
80: 5
95: 5

B1) Bent Over DB Row
70s: 3x10

B2) Standing Neutral Grip DB Press
30x2: 3x10

72.5: 3x11

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x10

Ended with 50 shoulder dislocates, some static stretching, and a 10 minute z session.


A1) Front Squats
70: 5
85: 5
105: 5

B1) Back Extensions - 4/0/2/1
BW: 4x10

B2) Plank, Hand & opposite arm up
4x10 seconds/side

Finished with about 100 body-weight squats again, some static stretching, and a few z exercises.


As you can see, all of my work this week used a lot less volume and in some situations was a lot less intense as well. On my upper body days, I cut down on all pressing movements (dropped all the weight on weighted dips, for example) much more than my pulling movements. This is just to give my shoulders a bit of a break. I also axed GHRs entirely for the week, as my sacroiliac area is where my previous back injury was, so I wanted to give this area a break as well. The glutes attach directly on various parts of the sacrum. Although the hamstrings attach to the Ischial tuberosity, they are able to exert pretty significant force on the sacrum via fascial trains(Fascia ties muscles together; it is the white stuff in the picture below. You can trace a line, also known as a fascial train, from the hamstrings, to the ischial tuberosity, to the sacrotuberal ligament, to the sacrum).

Click to Enlarge

As you can see, deload weeks are highly variable in nature from person to person. I will write more about these later today.

Training Log 7/17/09-7/23/09

Here are my latest results. All in all I felt I had a great training week. I hit PRs on both my upper body lifts and I pushed my lower body lifts pretty hard pain-free and with more range of motion than last week and month.

This week I included a bit of commentary for each workout; taking notes (in addition to the log) helps better prepare you for the next week of lifting. Notes are very useful when planning the next phase of your workouts and can help shape your workouts from week to week. The more often you take notes, the easier you will notice trends and ultimately the better you will be able to adjust your training.

A1) Incline BB Press
205: 5
230: 3
255: 7 (max reps, last month = 250x6)

B1) Weighted Dips
50: 5x12

B2) Weighted Pull-ups
15: 3x6, 1x4, 2x3

C1) External Rotation 3/0/3/0
5 (cable): 3x12 arm against body, 1x12 arm abducted 30 degrees

C2) Scapular Retractions:
42.5: 4x20

Pretty strong day on the bench. I was happy to add 5 lbs and 1 rep to my incline press. However, I was not feeling as strong on the pull-ups. Since this is my highest volume week before my deload, I did an extra set of 3 on the pull-ups to increase the volume. As far as my intensity goes on my 2 major assistance lifts: I tend to go pretty easy on the dips; my hard pressing set is on the incline so any accessory pressing I do is just to foster increased connective tissue strength and a bit of hypertrophy. For pull-ups I go a bit harder, as they are the biggest focus of my assistance on this day.

A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
175: 5
200: 3
225: 25 (getting very close to max reps, still holding off just a bit - did 190x15 last month)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise w/ Push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
BW: 3x15, 1x10

C2) Plank, opposite arm and leg elevated
4x 12 seconds

C3) Seated T-Bar Row
180: 15 (just one set)

The trap bar deadlift felt pretty good today; I was able to push it pretty hard without any pain which was nice. I also added an extra set in of rowing on this day. I need to increase the strength of my upper back a bit to support my increasing pressing strength.


A1) BB Standing Military Press
120: 5
135: 3
150: 11 (145x10 last month)

B1) Bent-over DB Row
80s: 3x15
70s: 1x20

B2) Standing Neutral-Grip DB Press
40x2: 3x10
35x2: 1x20

C1) Tricep Pushdown
72.5: 3x17

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x14

I had another good pressing today; again I am pleased with adding 5 lbs and a rep to my overhead press in a month. While these are not the most exciting numbers, adding 5 lbs a month to the overhead press would result in 60 lbs in a year, which is a substantial improvement to say the least. On the standing DB press I decided to bump up the weight and drop the reps. Normally I would wait until after my deload week to do this but I was feeling pretty burnt out by the end of this workout the prior week so I figured a volume reduction would do just fine (this is an example of how you can use workout notes to modify your workout week by week).


A1) Front Squat
120: 5
140: 3
155: 15 (not max reps, but felt pretty good, and ROM was much better than last week. Nice jump over 145x10 last month)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
BW: 3x15, 1x12

C2) Side Plank, on arm
BW: 4x25 seconds/side

As you may have noticed, each day on my leg workouts I do mostly the same assistance work after my main lift. This is because on the whole, I need to focus on increasing the strength of my posterior chain while minimizing compressive and rotational force through the spine and sacroiliac joint area. These bodyweight exercises are quite challenging but since they are not loaded, do not cause spinal compression beyond my current capacity to recover. Once I am comfortable with the strength of my SI, I will begin incorporating single leg movements on a daily basis.

Additionally, I have not changed my volume on my Glute-Ham raise from week to week. However, each time I do the exercise, I increase the "load" by relying less and less on the push-up from the bottom of the lift to bring me to the top.

All in all, I had a great training month and I am going into my deload (light) week satisfied with my progress.

Trianing Log 7/10/09-7/16/09

Had a pretty productive week this week, here are the results:


A1) Incline BB Bench Press
190: 3
215: 3
245: 8 - max reps (last month was 235x7)

B1) Pull-ups
15: 3x6, 2x5

B2) Dips
50: 5x11

C1) Scapular Retractions
35 (cables): 3x25

C2) External Rotations - 3/0/3/0
1: 15/15

Finished up with a few z-health drills, nerve glides, and about 10 shoulder dislocations.


A1) Trap Bar Deadlift
165: 3
190: 3
210: 25 - getting pretty close to max reps, at least for my forearms!

B1) Natural Glute Ham Raise w/ pushup
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 3/0/2/0

C2) Plank - Opposite Arm & Leg Up
3 sets x 15 seconds per side

Followed by 2 sets of 30 seconds of static stretching for the hamstrings (lying down and using a band) and 2 sets of 30 seconds of stretching for the rectus femoris.

Also did a set of 50 shoulder dislocations as described by Dante in a post that can be found here. Here is a video of this exercise if you have not seen it before. While the film is not the best quality, the person in it has an English accent, which makes up for it. Additionally, the shoulder dislocations as described by Dante are to be done a bit slower. This results in increased blood flow to the muscle groups around the shoulder capsule, which makes the exercise quite a bit harder, in addition to increasing its effectiveness.


A1) BB Standing Military Press
110: 3
130: 3
145: 12 - max reps (140x9 last month). Great arousal on this set, everything went perfect.

B1) Bent Over DB Row
80s: 3x14
65s: 1x30

B2) DB Standing Neutral Grip Press
35x2: 3x15
30x2: 1x19

C1) Cable Triceps Push-down
72.5: 3x16

C2) Face Pulls
50: 3x13

Followed up with some z health and some brief static stretching for the triceps.


I warm up with 10-15 minutes of Z-health on squat day in addition to a few dynamic stretching moves and then warming up with the bar and lighter weight. My hips tend to be pretty stiff and the warm-up helps out my form quite a bit.

A1) Front Squat
135: 3
150: 15 (not max reps, but my form felt pretty solid today and my depth was acceptable, so that was an improvement over last month)

B1) Natural Glute Ham Raise w/ push-up
BW: 4x8

C1) Back Extension - 4/0/2/1
BW: 15, 10, 10

C2) Side Plank - on Hand
4x22 seconds per side


2 sets of 30 seconds of hamstring and rectus femoris static stretching
2 sets of 10 of a kneeling squat mobilization
1 set of 50 of shoulder dislocations
A select few z-health drills and nerve glides

All in all, it was a pretty good week in training. I was really pleased with my performance on the military press, if all goes well, Christmas just might come early with that 225!

Training Log 7/3/09-7/9/09

Since I just wrote about goals yesterday I think it would be fitting to outline my own goals for the gym and explain a bit of the rationale behind the process.

I have 2 major goals for my next 6 months of training. Firstly, I would like to perform a standing military press overhead with 225 lbs. I would like to do this for 3 reasons:
  1. I could use a break from the bench press.
  2. I think my physique would benefit from the widening of the shoulders.
  3. The standing military press just looks cool!
Secondly, I would like to work back into heavier squatting and deadlifting. Last year I had an unfortunate accident (not gym related) which left me with some pretty bad back pain. I've managed to rehabilitate it over the past 6 months, largely thanks to z-health in addition to rest and traditional modalities. Today, while my pain is virtually non-existent, some of the musculature of my posterior chain has atrophied over the past half a year, particularly the pars lumborum area of my erector spinae (in other words the lower part of my low back muscles) simply due to lack of stimulation while resting over the past few months (side goal related to reclaiming my posterior chain: I want to be able to do a natural glute ham raise without a push-up at the bottom. If you haven't heard of that exercise, I included a video below in training log). Even though I have deadlifted over 400 lbs before, I've decided it would be wise to start low and build up slowly, in order to rebuild connective tissue, re-groove motor patterns, and just develop all around confidence.

The basis of my training is currently Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. The percentages and philosophy are great for what I am currently working for - raw strength and steady progress. Additionally, z-health makes up the bulk of my warm-up, mobility, and injury prevention plan. I also throw in some traditional modality work, like dynamic and static stretching, and preventive strength exercise to aid in the recovery and injury prevention process. With that said, here is my past week of training with a bit more of background info:

Bodyweight: 178 lbs

Personal Records (PRs):
BB Bench Press - 355 - 3/13/09
Deadlift - 415 - Spring 2008
Back Squat - 385 - Spring 2008
BB Standing Military Press - No PR on record, estimated at 175 lbs at 6/6/09

* A side note on notation: A, B, C = groups of the same letter are done in alternating fashion 1 set at a time until all sets have been completed. Sets are always listed as weight x reps.

As far as chosen lifts go, I have chosen to opt for an incline press over a flat bench press because it has more carryover to the standing BB military press. I have chosen to use the trap bar deadlift and the front squat over a normal deadlift and back squat because the former lifts result in much less compressive force on the spine then the latter. With that said, on to the training log!


A1):Incline BB (barbell) Bench Press:
175: 5
205: 5
230: 12 (max reps) - last month's total = 225x6 (the movement had not been used in awhile)

B1) Weighted Dips
50: 5x10

B2) Weighted Pull-ups
15: 5x5

C1) External Rotation - 3/0/3/0 tempo - (3 second eccentric and concentric movements)
5(cables): 2 sets of 10 with arm against body, 2 sets of 10 with 30ยบ of abduction.


A1): Trap Bar Deadlift
155: 5
175: 5
200: 20 (not quite max, but was not easy! Stopped once confidence decreased.)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise (push-up at the bottom)
BW(body-weight): 4 sets of 8

If you've never seen one of these before, I've included a video of a guy doing them:

C1) Back Extensions - 2/0/2/0
BW: 1x15, 2x10


A1) BB Standing Military Press
105: 5
120: 5
135: 13 (max reps) - PR (personal record) over last month's 130 lbs x10
B1) Bent over DB (dumbbell) Row
80s: 3x13
65s: 1x29

B2) Standing DB Neutral Grip Press
35x2: 3x14
30x2: 1x24

C1) Tricep Pushdown
72.5 (cables) : 3x15

C2) Face Pulls
50 (cables): 3x12


A1) Front Squat
125: 5
140: 5
150: 10 (not close to max, but taking it slow for these first few months)

B1) Natural Glute-Ham Raise with Push-up
BW: 3x8

B2) Side Plank
3 sets x 20 secs/side

C1) Back Extension - 2/0/2/0
BW: 3x15

Wow, that was a long post. Next week, since I won't have such a long intro, I'll go into more detail about how I incorporate mobility, injury prevention, and recovery modalities into my routine.